


Hey, it's Alyssa! To start off with, Nikki and Mandi are taking a while off from the stable to figure out what they want to do. Nikki was hurt in the fire and she may not be able to ride anymore, and not only that but she lost her best friend Grace. They have let me know that they are definitely going to be moving on with the farm thank goodness. The roles have changed, however, so if you want to know everyones' jobs head over to the staff page! I'm going to try to update it today! Zane and I are enjoying the new stables that were built, and we actually are living at the stallion barn right now. I am still very sad about the loss of my three beautiful horses, and I don't think anything will make those feelings go away, but the sweet stallions here are helping a lot. I decided to sell my Hanoverian stallion because we moved so far and because he got really aggressive around other stallions. I miss him but I know it was the best choice for everyone involved. 
Thanks for reading!


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