


Hey, it's Alyssa! To start off with, Nikki and Mandi are taking a while off from the stable to figure out what they want to do. Nikki was hurt in the fire and she may not be able to ride anymore, and not only that but she lost her best friend Grace. They have let me know that they are definitely going to be moving on with the farm thank goodness. The roles have changed, however, so if you want to know everyones' jobs head over to the staff page! I'm going to try to update it today! Zane and I are enjoying the new stables that were built, and we actually are living at the stallion barn right now. I am still very sad about the loss of my three beautiful horses, and I don't think anything will make those feelings go away, but the sweet stallions here are helping a lot. I decided to sell my Hanoverian stallion because we moved so far and because he got really aggressive around other stallions. I miss him but I know it was the best choice for everyone involved. 
Thanks for reading!

So, I don't know exactly how to say this, but there has been a fire in the mare barn. We were in the process of moving to a new town, and the fire spread too quickly for anyone to do much about it.
We have lost almost all of our mares! It is extremely devastating and saddening. We still have six to eight mares that were at the young stock barn or in the first few stalls of the mare barn. Luckily no mares had foals with them or were pregnant, unluckily we have lost some absolutely amazing ladies.
All of my horses were at the mare barn when this happened, so I lost all but my Hanoverian stallion, but he is burned badly and may not make it.
Kerling Grace Stables will be moving again to a town extremely far away this time (windows to a mac to be exact) so we can possibly leave this behind and start new. Almost all of the mares that survived are already there and settling in.
Mandi and Nikki Harrow may not be moving with us! This would be a drastic change considering they would be selling almost all of their horses, however Nikki was burned trying to save horses. They may wait to move in a few months. I have to wait until my Hanoverian is healed a bit more before I can move him, but I'm sure everything will turn out fine.
Wish us the best of luck here at KGS, because we are sorely lacking.

With love and well wishes,
Hi everyone! It's Alyssa Gurney here, mastermind behind the website and spokesperson for all things Kerling and Grace! After months of working behind the scenes my son and I's new home was built on the property and the two of us plus my four horses have finally moved in! I am the one in charge of the website, registering, finding horses to buy and finding good owners to sell horses to. I of course have to run all decisions by the bosses Nikki and Mandi.
So anyways, I would like to formally welcome you to this piece of horse-and-sim Heaven! There are going to be some changes around here. Why? Well, Human, those things happen sometimes.
Also, my son Zane and I and our amazing horses are finally here and ready to get down to business! Soon more staff members will stop commuting and will move on-site. Most recently (besides my humble abode) we have built a Youngstock section and hired two people to work there. I need to update the home page, staff, and facilities section very badly!
We have a mare and foal barn section, stallion section, youngstock section, my office and meeting house with room for four horses, and a training/new horse section that is going to be converted soon. What is it going to be? No one knows!
With all of these new buildings and sims making their way here, and with all of the new horses moving in, we are quickly becoming a huge stable! And everyone moving in and working here has their own ideas and specialties.
Which brings me to the real reason for a blog! After I put descriptions of staff members up, I will give them the okay to post on this blog, so everyone at the farm will be able to tell you what's going on in their sections!

~New page for "Other horses" because all these horsey-sims moving here means their beloveds are moving with them! Me including! I have a Quarter Horse stallion, Hanoverian stallion, and two Arabian mares. I hear some thoroughbreds are possibly moving here, too (NOT mine, they're crazy). Judgemental but true from experiences.
~Also, new information on each horse's page, including who owns the horse and the horse's GENETIC CODE! YES we are starting to use REAL GENETICS when breeding!!
~Also, you will be seeing some cross-breeds soon I am sure, because with all of these sport horses and these breed-happy sims, I'm sure some of them will get some ideas. Actually me included! I will probably be breeding some Arabian sport horses using my mares. Aka Arabian/Hanoverian crosses.
~We will also be putting our stallions up for stud to approved mares. This does not mean your mare has to be the same breed or even registered, it just means you have to be a real stable and your horse cannot be pink. In real life sport horses are sport horses, and Hanoverians are not always pure-bred, so feel free to request a breeding with a stallion of a different breed!
~That's all the time I have now, Zane is crying upstairs. The job for me in the next few days is getting genetic codes! Then there will be a foal crop, and the rest will follow!
Thanks for reading, have a horse-filled day!

Alyssa@KGS ;)